
How can I prove my injury was caused by someone else’s negligent actions?

‘Negligence’ is a fairly broad term which can be confusing if you have recently suffered an injury for which you believe another party bears some responsibility. In short, a person is negligent if they have failed to meet the behavioral standards to protect you from harm which could have been prevented had they met those standards. If you are confused by what negligence means in regard to your situation, take a look at some common examples.

Car Accidents

Car accident negligence includes various reckless actions by the driver who caused the crash, such as cell phone use while driving, running a red light or stop sign or driving under the influence. Since the driver responsible for the accident could have prevented it by not engaging in careless or reckless behavior while driving, they are considered negligent and bear some responsibility for the injuries and harm caused to the other drivers involved.

Slip and Fall

A person is not necessarily entitled to compensation for injury and loss just because they fell on someone else’s property, as any negligence lawyer will tell you. Whether the property owner is negligent depends on what caused the slip and fall. For example, if you tripped over a clear door-frame that is in good condition, because you were distracted, the property owner is not responsible for any injuries. But if you are injured because your foot goes through stairs the owner has failed to repair or maintain, the owner may be liable for negligence for failing to act.

Dangerous Products

Manufacturers have a duty to produce items that perform in a reasonably safe way. A car maker, for instance, is expected to produce cars without defects which are dangerous. So, if a car manufacturer releases a model that has faulty brakes, it may be liable for negligence when drivers of the car are hurt because they cannot stop properly.

Do You Have a Case?

Essentially, you should always speak to a negligence lawyer before deciding whether you have a reason to go to court. A person with legal knowledge is better suited to determine the merits of your case. In the broader sense, if you are not at fault in whatever caused your injury but someone else is because they failed to behave reasonably, you probably have a valid case for negligence in court and are entitled to compensation for your pain, suffering and other losses, such as wages lost because of your condition.

How does New York determine medical negligence?

Medical negligence, also known as medical malpractice is defined as improper or negligent treatment of a patient by a doctor, nurse, or other medical professional.  Law suits involving medical negligence are seen as a way to police the medical profession. If you are alleging medical negligence, you must prove four elements; first you must prove that a duty of care was owed by the medical professional. Second the standard of care was violated, third the injury you are alleging is compensable, and fourth the injury was caused in fact and proximately caused by the substandard conduct.

The first element is not difficult to prove as physicians or medical professionals owe a duty of care to whomever they treat. Causation can be a difficult element to prove, as you must be able to show sufficient evidence that the actions taken by the physician caused the alleged injury. Most physicians allege that injuries are not caused by their own negligence but by another contributing factor such as pre-existing physical conditions. The proof of injury can include both the physical and emotional effects of the treatment.  The amount of money the injury is worth is usually highly debated. There are also different standards that they apply in different states. Most states apply a standard where they look at the practice of local medical professionals; this is referred to as the locality rule. There are other states that look to the national standard of the medical profession.  If a medical professional has failed to follow these standards then this could be evidence of negligence.

Some states will not determine that a physician has been negligent if the physician or medical professional had to choose between different methods of treatment or in diagnosing a condition. This is referred to as the respectable minority rule. New York State uses the locality rule, where a doctor must exercise a reasonable degree of skill and knowledge as possessed by others who practice the profession within that geographic region. A doctor must use his or her best judgment and superior knowledge and skill even if it exceeds that of other doctors in the region where he or she practices (Nestrowich v. Ricotta, 767 N. E. 2d 125 (N. Y. 2002). If you think you may have a medical negligence claim, it is important that you contact an attorney well versed in medical negligence to help you assert your rights and obtain adequate compensation for your discomfort or loss.

How Can I Seek Damages from Defective Drugs?

Do you believe you have been injured as a result of defective medication? Has a doctor told you that you are suffered injuries as a result of certain medication you are or have been taking?

Defective drugs

imagesWhile many drugs are on the market to help alleviate pain and other symptoms, some drugs cause serious adverse side effects. If there is evidence that the manufacturer of the drug knew about adverse side effects and failed to warn consumers about these, you may be entitled to recover damages if you took that drug and suffered adverse side effects.

Determining liability

Defective drug cases are difficult to prove for a variety of reasons. One of the most difficult aspects to overcome is proving that a particular drug was the cause of an injury. In many cases, FDA warnings may help with this, but an FDA warning is not definitive indicator of liability. Another obstacle to overcome is the statute of limitations. Every state has a strict time limit within which a claim for injuries must be brought. If a claim is not made within the statute of limitations window and no exception exists, you may be forever barred from making a claim for your injuries.

Causes of action

The three major causes of action against drug manufacturers are failure to warn, manufacturing defect and design defects. Failure to warn is where the manufacturer fails to warn consumers of a particular danger. Manufacturing defects which result in injury due to a flaw in the manufacturer process, which results in a product which does not conform to the manufacturer’s specifications, are a second cause of action which can be brought. Finally, a design defect claim can be made where there is a flaw in the design of a drug which makes it unreasonably dangerous.

Determining if you have a claim

If you believe you have been injured as a result of a defective drug, it is important to seek medical attention right away. Health and safety should always be your number one priority. After you obtain the appropriate medical attention, you should contact an attorney to see if you may have a claim against the manufacturer of the drug. It is important to note that claims regarding defective drugs are difference than medical malpractice claims where you believe a doctor has not met the standard of care required.

Each individual’s circumstances are unique and if you are interested in a consultation, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 212-353-8700.