States Begin Legislative Process to Protect Employees Against COVID-19 Vaccine Choice Discrimination
Across the country, U.S. citizens and residents now have access to the COVID-19 vaccine. But many are hesitant or medically unable to be vaccinated. Could opting out of the Coronavirus vaccine put your job at risk, or will state or federal laws protect you against vaccine discrimination? Can Employers Fire Employees Who Refuse the COVID-19 […]
How Does the HERO Act Affect Employees?
The past year and a half have been hard for New York residents and essential workers worldwide. The COVID-19 pandemic has drawn attention to just how unprepared businesses were to respond to infectious diseases at work. Now the HERO Act aims to set a new standard, empowering employees to stand up when their employers put […]
The Effect of Marijuana Legalization on Drug Testing in the Workplace
In May 2021, New York became the 15th state to legalize adult-use marijuana. But with federal regulations still labelling cannabis a controlled substance, employers and employees may wonder what marijuana legalization means for them. Specifically, you may be asking, can your employer still do marijuana drug testing in the workplace? New York Follows the Trend […]
One Fair Wage Says Darden Restaurants’ Tips Policy Caused Racial and Gender Discrimination
Can working on tips perpetuate racial or gender discrimination at work? The advocacy group One Fair Wage has filed a lawsuit against industry giant Darden Restaurants arguing that the company’s tips policy caused racial discrimination and sexual harassment by its customers to go unchecked. Olive Garden Parent Company Comes Under Fire for Discrimination On April […]
Settlement Reached in U.S. Figure Skating Sex Abuse Lawsuit
Figure skating is one of the most popular sports in the Winter Olympics. Its athletes pair strength and power with beauty and grace. It can be hard to remember that many of the sport’s top competitors are young — often teenagers. Over the last several years the United States Figure Skating (USFS) faced accusations, media […]
Gov. Andrew Cuomo Faces Sexual Harassment Allegations
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has come under fire and is facing a call to resign in the wake of several sexual harassment allegations. The claims cut short Cuomo’s previous popularity from his response to the Coronavirus, and show how quickly public perception can change. Aide Says Governor Cuomo Made His Workplace Unsafe for Young […]
Oregon Sued After Setting Aside $62M of COVID Relief Funds for Black Business Owners
The Oregon legislature set aside millions of dollars of federal COVID-19 relief funding specifically for Black-owned businesses. For Black business owners, this was an acknowledgment of both a history of racial discrimination and the fact that the coronavirus disproportionately affected that community. But others are questioning whether the earmarked funds were themselves a form of […]
Proposed Class Action Settlement Gives UCLA Gynecologist Sex Abuse Victims Relief
Gynecological exams are important parts of women’s health. They are also often uncomfortable. But UCLA gynecologist James Heaps took his victims’ discomfort one step further, turning a necessary medical exam in to sex abuse. Now a proposed class action settlement could give all his patents some long-awaited relief. UCLA Gynecologist Heaps Took Sexual Advantage of […]
State Bar of Washington Mishandles Employee’s Harassment Claim
The State Bar of Washington — the organization that oversees and regulates all lawyers in the state — received a scathing report, criticizing how it mishandled the investigation of an employee’s sexual harassment claim. Find out what happened, and what employees can do when board members take advantage of their position. WSBA Staff Member Accuses […]
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver Sued for Sexual Abuse
A lawsuit filed late last year in Canada’s British Columbia Supreme Court against Vancouver’s Roman Catholic Archdiocese is once again drawing attention to the sexual abuse in the Roman Catholic Church. The civil lawsuit, while filed under Canadian law rather than U.S. or New York law, raises questions about whether the Church is responsible for […]
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