10 things to ask your lawyer in a case review
Do you need an attorney? Whether you were involved in a catastrophic car collision, have been discriminated against at work, or suffered an injury as a result of someone else’s negligence, below are some questions you should ask your potential lawyer.
1. Have you handled this type of case before?
It is important for you to hire an attorney who is experienced in handling your type of case. While each case is unique, experience handling similar matters helps.
2. What is the best method for contacting you?
Clients must be able to get in touch with their lawyers and receive updates on their cases. Therefore, it is imperative that you know how to reach your lawyer. Equally important is the lawyer’s responsiveness in responding to inquiries from clients.
3. Who will be handling my case?
Clients should be aware of whether one individual will be handling their case or if there will be a team of people working on their matter. Each firm has a different method for handling matters and client contact so it is important for you to understand with whom you will be communicating.
4. To whom may I speak with about my case?
Your lawyer can guide you regarding who should know about the details about your case. Statements about your case to non-parties, whether they be in person, on the phone, in an email, or on social media, may be discoverable. It is important to listen to your lawyer and heed their advice.
5. What are your fees?
Clients must understand the legal fee arrangement at the outset of the representation. You should ask your lawyers to clarify any questions you may have prior to the start of the representation.
6. Are there other fees for which I will be held responsible?
Clients should understand the fees/costs for which they will be responsible. Many cases require expert witnesses in addition to court filing fees and deposition expenses. You should understand who will be responsible for making these payments.
7. What steps do I need to take after the retainer agreement has been signed?
Each case is unique and clients should determine what their obligations are with respect to their case. It is important to get direction from the outset.
8. What steps can I take to minimize costs?
As a client, anything which minimizes costs benefits you. Your lawyer may have suggestions on how to minimize costs in your particular case.
9. What decisions require my approval?
The litigation process may require some procedural decisions which the attorneys may handle, but substantive decisions will require your approval. The client has the right to be apprised of decisions regarding their case.
10. What is the expected time table for my case?
This will depend on a variety of factors but you should understand that litigation is a lengthy process. An open line of communication with your attorney is important so that you can obtain case updates throughout the process.