10 Questions a Personal Injury Lawyer will Ask You
Clients are often nervous when meeting with their personal injury attorney for the first time. One may wonder, “What will a personal injury lawyer ask me?” Your personal injury attorney should ask several questions, which will indicate that they have a firm knowledge of personal injury law and are interested in your case. Here are a few questions you should expect your personal injury attorney to ask during the initial discussion.
What will a personal injury lawyer ask me?
1. When did the incident occur?
If the incident occurred recently, your law firm will be able to represent you and handle the case from this point on. However, if the incident occurred quite a while ago, the other party involved may have settled the case already.
2. What is the location of the incident?
This question determines the approximate locale of the accident. If the law firm takes your case, it is helpful if the incident happened in your area.
3. How did the incident happen?
It is extremely important that your attorney assess culpability. You should clearly explain how the incident occurred without exaggerating or omitting anything.
4. What injuries occurred?
Explain your injuries in detail, including how it has limited your daily interactions since the accident. Provide physicians’ reports if possible.
5. What are the current physical complaints?
Discuss any ongoing physical complaints that you have as a result of the incident. The potential value of your case may be determined by your attorney at this time.
6. What medical facilities treated you?
You should be examined by a physician or visit a medical facility in order to assess damages. Provide physicians’ reports if possible.
7. Do you have insurance?
Personal injury attorneys need to determine what medical insurance you have and what portion of the bill you are required to pay.
8. Have you contacted any insurance companies?
If you have contacted an insurance company immediately after the accident, let your attorney know what discussion took place. Wherever possible, record any interactions with an insurance representative
9. Did anyone witness the incident?
Witness testimonies can assist in strengthening your case.
10. Where is the property that caused the injuries?
If you were involved in an automobile incident, injured by a product or fell down a faulty staircase, photographs should be taken immediately before any repairs are made. When repairs are made, keep all receipts to prove the work has been done.
What should I bring to my appointment?
It is important to come prepared to your appointment. A personal injury attorney will ask you to bring a number of documents. Some of those will include police reports, declaration sheet, health coverage verification, property damage information, photographs of the accident, invoices and contact information for health providers that you have seen, and any other paperwork that is pertinent to the accident. This information assists the attorney in preparing for your case and helps them to represent you accurately and thoroughly in court.
Remember to prepare in advance. Write down questions that you have for your attorney and bring them with you. You should discuss the case in detail so you will have a clear understanding of everything that is happening. Above all, make recovery your top priority. If a personal injury attorney invests time asking questions, it creates a line of communication and a bond between you and the lawyer. This connection will most likely lead your lawyer to making your case a high priority and do the best job possible for you. If you need any further insight, please contact us at 212-353-8700, and we will help you assess your situation.